The boxes represents some divs with some silly sentences inside. Change its padding, border, and margin to see how the box changes and how it interacts with the other div. Note that the lined grey-white area is normally invisible.

div1 {

padding: px;

border-width: px;

margin: px;


div2 {

padding: px;

border-width: px;

margin: px;


Why do potatoes make great detectives? Because they always keep their eyes peeled.
What do you use to carry potatoes? A tater tote.
Which day of the week do potatoes dread the most? Fry-day.
What do you call a lazy spud? A couch potato.
Why did the potato salad blush? Because it saw the salad dressing.
Why can't a farmer keep secrets on her farm? Because the corn has ears, the potatoes have eyes and the beans stalk.
How do you know a potato is in a bad mood? When they’re acting salty.
What do you call potatoes with right angles? Square roots.
What do you say to a baked potato that's angry? Anything you like, just butter it up.
What do you call a baby potato? Small fry.
Why did the potato cross the road? He saw a fork up ahead.
Why do potatoes make great detectives? Because they always keep their eyes peeled.
What do you use to carry potatoes? A tater tote.
Which day of the week do potatoes dread the most? Fry-day.
What do you call a lazy spud? A couch potato.
Why did the potato salad blush? Because it saw the salad dressing.
Why can't a farmer keep secrets on her farm? Because the corn has ears, the potatoes have eyes and the beans stalk.
How do you know a potato is in a bad mood? When they’re acting salty.
What do you call potatoes with right angles? Square roots.
What do you say to a baked potato that's angry? Anything you like, just butter it up.
What do you call a baby potato? Small fry.
Why did the potato cross the road? He saw a fork up ahead.